Dec 29, 2020
In the final episode of Season 2, the Fun Bunch finally end their fight with Harry.
Joel Ruiz as the GM. Paul Byron, Shelby Lee, and Shannon Strucci as the players.
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Dec 15, 2020
In the penultimate episode of Season 2, the Fun Bunch track down Gerry and finally come face to face with Harry.
Joel Ruiz as the GM. Paul Byron, Shebly Lee, and Shannon Strucci as the Players.
Check out our new AP, Oddity Roadshow -
Support us on Patreon and get all the Critical Bits and...
Dec 1, 2020
The Fun Bunch is back on our side but still stuck in the middle
of Harry's game.
Joel Ruiz as the GM. Paul Byron, Shelby Lee, and Shannon Strucci as
the players.
Check out our new AP, Oddity Roadshow -
Support us on Patreon and get all the Critical Bits and Oddity Roadshow Content
Nov 17, 2020
We're playing Monster of the Week and so much happens, like, just a lot. You'll see.
Joel Ruiz as the GM. Paul Byron, Shelby Lee, and Shannon Strucci as the Players.
Check out our new AP, Oddity Roadshow -
Support us on Patreon and get all the Critical Bits and Oddity Roadshow Content
Nov 3, 2020
The Fun Bunch moves into the 2nd generation of the White Rabbit
coma bed system as we play PasiĆ³n de las Pasiones in this
Joel Ruiz as the GM. Paul Byron, Shelby Lee, and Shannon Strucci as
the players.
Check out our new AP, Oddity Roadshow -
Support us on Patreon and get all...