Mar 23, 2021
The Fun Bunch aid Gerry in helping him confront his doom. Will
Gerry make it out alive? Can Alex find some help during all of this
too? How will Kim deal with all of this? Find out, or not, in this
Joel Ruiz as the GM. Paul Byron, Shelby Lee, and Shannon Strucci as
the players.
Apologies, Shelby's audio has...
Mar 9, 2021
After making a deal with the Oracle, Gerry prepares to make
another deal with the Seamstress. Will Gerry find what he's looking
for? Who knows? Join the Fun Bunch as they travel to Another
Joel Ruiz as the GM. Paul Byron, Shelby Lee, and Shannon Strucci as
the players.
Check out our new AP, Oddity Roadshow -